deck catapult

deck catapult
палубная катапульта

Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. . 1962.

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Смотреть что такое "deck catapult" в других словарях:

  • catapult — [kat′ə pult΄, kat′əpoolt΄] n. [L catapulta < Gr katapeltēs < kata , down, against + base of pallein, to toss, hurl] 1. an ancient military contrivance powered by either torsion or tension used for throwing or shooting stones, spears, etc. 2 …   English World dictionary

  • Catapult Aircraft Merchantman — Hawker Sea Hurricane W9182 auf dem Katapult am vorderen Deck eines CAM Schiffs CAM Schiffe (englisch: CAM ship = „Catapult Aircraft Merchantman“ – zu deutsch etwa: „Katapult Flugzeug Handelsschiff“) waren modifizierte britische Handelsschiffe aus …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • catapult — /ˈkætəpʌlt / (say katuhpult) noun 1. an ancient military engine for hurling darts, stones, etc. 2. Also, shanghai, sling, slingshot; Chiefly WA and Qld, ging; North Coast NSW, gonk. a Y shaped stick or strong wire with an elastic strip between… …  

  • catapult — catapultic, adj. /kat euh pult , poolt /, n. 1. an ancient military engine for hurling stones, arrows, etc. 2. a device for launching an airplane from the deck of a ship. 3. Brit. a slingshot. v.t. 4. to hurl from a catapult. 5. to thrust or move …   Universalium

  • deck run — The distance run along a ship deck in a free takeoff. Free takeoffs do not include catapult assisted takeoffs. See deck park …   Aviation dictionary

  • catapult — 1. noun /ˈˈkæ.tə.pʌlt/ a) A device or weapon for throwing or launching large objects, such as a mechanical aid on aircraft carriers designed to help airplanes take off from the flight deck. b) slingshot See Also: catapeltic 2. verb …   Wiktionary

  • catapult — cat•a•pult [[t]ˈkæt əˌpʌlt, ˌpʊlt[/t]] n. 1) mil an ancient military engine for hurling stones, arrows, etc 2) mil aer. a device for launching an airplane from the deck of a ship 3) mil to hurl or be hurled from or as if from a catapult 4) to… …   From formal English to slang

  • catapult — n. & v. n. 1 a forked stick etc. with elastic for shooting stones. 2 hist. a military machine worked by a lever and ropes for hurling large stones etc. 3 a mechanical device for launching a glider, an aircraft from the deck of a ship, etc. v. 1… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Aircraft catapult — An aircraft catapult is a device used to launch aircraft from ships in particular aircraft carriers as a form of assisted take off. It consists of a track built into the flight deck, below which is a large piston or shuttle that is attached… …   Wikipedia

  • Flight deck — The flight deck of an aircraft carrier is the surface from which its aircraft take off and land, essentially a miniature airfield at sea. On smaller naval ships which do not have aviation as a primary mission, the landing area for helicopters and …   Wikipedia

  • USS America (CV-66) — The third USS America (CV 66), formerly CVA 66, was a Kitty Hawk class supercarrier of the United States Navy that served from 1965 to 1996.Construction and shakedownOriginally ordered as an Enterprise class nuclear carrier, the ballooning costs… …   Wikipedia

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